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Why use overhead water tank for storage?

A Water Storage is a mini-reservoir or container used to collect water in a measured quantity. It serves many applications for both commercial and domestic purposes. It has evolved beginning from ceramics, wood, stone, and brick material that were plastered and painted. But, later introduced PVC tanks. The PVC became the most employed material because it avoids leakages. It has various types like an emergency, underground, horizontal water tanks, etc. It is also called a safe space tank. It is utilized effectively based on many factors like requirements and applications.

Introduction to overhead water storage tank

It is a usual water tank and they are placed over the head that is built to a certain height. It may be built of any material, The idea is to increase the efficiency by placing a tank in some distance. Through pumping, The water from the ground is filled inside the tank. It is built on the rooftop of the house, building, etc. It maintains constant pressure and flows. When the water comes down from the height, Increase in pressure makes it available at a reasonable or constant rate in every outlet.

Overhead water storage tank applications

It is used in various applications that can serve both commercial purposes and domestic purposes. It maintains the flow of bathroom usage and other water-requiring appliances.

Commercial applications of overhead water storage tank:

The tank employed overhead can benefit not only water storing, but chemicals also stocked to maintain the flow of water in the tank. Some areas like manufacturing, the chemical industry, hospitals, etc can benefit from overhead tanks.

Domestic application of overhead water storage tank:

This water is utilized in every action. We perform things like bathing, washing, drinking, cleaning, and other general uses.

Maintenance of overhead water storage tank:

A few steps are given below for effective results like rust free, you can do it to keep dirt free which can ensure that the water is fresh. It is used for some basic purposes like bathing, drinking, cooking, etc. if there is any damage, you can identify and sort it out, which increases the life of the tank.

Clean the tank regularly:

Clean your tank since it is supplied for daily needs. Always keep it dirt free and make it neat always. At Least wash it 3 times a year. But it is not possible for everyone, but we should wash at least 1 time in a year. Otherwise, the tank becomes dirtier. If the tank is dirty, it may cause many diseases. So make it clean or check whether the tank is clean or dirty.

Empty and scrub the tank:

After completing the inspection, we want to empty the tank. Before this make sure that the main water line is to be shut down. Before cleaning, we must have a cleaning brush and wear hand gloves. Completely scrub with a brush properly at every corner. Once we scrub all areas, we should repeat it 2 times. The main thing is to clean properly. We can apply soap powder or shampoo for easy cleaning. But we apply shampoo. The main thing is to be careful that after applying we should clean 2 or 3 times with water. Otherwise, the drinking or other used water becomes shampoo mixed water.

Empty the tank and leave it for drying:

After the above steps, make the storage tank empty and leave it for drying. After that, make once look at the tank that any dirty particles there. If there is any dirt particle, wear hand gloves and take the cleaning brush, start cleaning once more properly. After that, make it dry.

Refill the tank and use it:

Start the refill process. We want to close all the outer taps. Otherwise, the water will flow directly outside. Open the main tap that has water coming inside it. So the water will refill. Once it is refilled the main tap can close it. Before these and all, the water storage tank was kept in the proper position. And finally, it can be used properly.

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