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How to calculate the ideal size of a water storage tank in home?

In today’s world, it’s nearly insolvable to calculate a constant supply of water, solely on groundwater, without having a plastic water storage tank. Therefore, the significance of getting a water storage tank is non-debatable, making it a mandatory commodity. Still, there are several factors to consider before finalizing the right one. How to calculate? Water storage tanks are the most important part of any building. They provide us with water for drinking and cooking as well as for other purposes. The size of these water tanks depends on the amount of water required by the building, even depending on the number of people living.

The First Thing To Consider When You’re Planning Your Home Is How Much Water You Will Need. You Can Calculate Using The Below Formula:

In this formula, q quantity of water (in liters) needed per day, the t time period required (in days), A area of house/building (in square meters) 

This means that the maximum capacity of the water tanks should be at least double the estimated quantity of water usage, This way, you won’t run out of water during peak hours.

Family Size

The most important factor is the number of people living under the roof, In the case of a joint family, the size should be much more compared to that of a nuclear family. The main factor that should be taken into consideration is to ensure that the amount of water is sufficient.

Type Of Usage

There are some of the basic daily chores that everyone does with the help of water, the basic household chores. However, there are some specialized uses as well such as watering the lawn or roof to cool it down, gardening, etc.v

Availability Of Power

A plastic water storage tank is dependent on a pump that in turn on electric current. Therefore the members of the household present in an area with frequent power cuts are far better with a water storage tank of further capacity. In this way, indeed in the case of long hours of power cuts, the residents can count on the water reserved in the water storage tank.

Space Available

Since the overhead water storage tanks are installed on the roof or on a terrace. The space available for the same is important and so is the strength of the base. A bigger tank, filled to its full capacity might ply further pressure on the roof, which may cause structural damage of structure over a period of time.

Environmental Condition

Utmost households rely on underground water for filling and refilling. Still, in regions where the water table is too low, the same principle doesn’t yield numerous precious results and must count on rainwater harvesting. Consequently, the size of the water storage tank must be named to suit the need. At, the house of the sunrise water tank, we deliver plastic water tanks in a vast range. The capacity of water tanks in liters ranges from different.

How Much Space Will Need For A Water Tank?

This fully depends on what you’re using it for and how numerous people will be making use of the water inside the tank. You can take the average quantum of water used per day, multiply that by the quantum of people in your household or business and also multiply it by the number of days you would want the tank’s water to last in the event of a water cut. Once you have your demanded capacity, you can start looking for tanks and their sizes. The benefit of tanks is that they can be made to your specifications. thus, if you have limited space available they can be made in a slimline design to be placed against the wall of your house, coming on walkways, etc.

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